Installing 6 Sensor and 12 Sensor Wireless Crophesy Probes

Installing 6 Sensor and 12 Sensor Wireless Crophesy Probes

1.      Install the Crophesy Mobile App on your smartphone from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android)

2.      Turn ON probe and you’ll hear a voice state it’s active. Only wait for first power on beep and firmware version.

3.      Turn OFF probe until ready to install. This prevents it from taking a sample in air.

4.      Dig a hole with the 30-inch auger (6 sensor) or 54-inch auger (12 sensor)

5.      Insert sensor into the ground up to marker. Do not insert past this point. Add slurry to hole. Work the probe into hole. Get air bubbles out. Cover in. *

6.      Scan bar code using phone camera or type the Serial Number into the app.

7.      Set Up Field by selecting a crop type and entering the date planted.

8.      Select Zone 1 and name the site.

9.      Check: Transmission Monitor. Confirm probe has connected & get GPS coordinates. If no coordinates or no transmission, wait 30 minutes and check again.

10.   Submit.  Install will now be in pending state. If the Crophesy app is running, every 15 min the app will automatically attempt to complete install. Once the probe has successfully checked in with all necessary data, install completes. You can verify by looking at pending install list. The app will continue to attempt the install for 24 hours. If unsuccessful, press retry button and it will try again for 24 hours. 

 *Alternative to STEP 5. To verify that the probe is working as intended before installing,

turn on the probe and wait for the initial beep. Rapidly turn the device off and on 3 times, leave in on position. The probe should now be in Options mode. Wait until it says options 3 - Sensor values. Turn the probe off and on to select this option. The probe will now call out the sensor values starting at sensor 1. First let it run all sensors in free air, then place your hand over each sensor to confirm that the sensor is registering your hand. once completed, turn probe off and perform the install. These steps verify that the probe is fully charged and that it is able to measure. You may also use this function to verify that an install was done correctly and that you have reasonable sensor values before leaving a site.

For easy installation, we recommend Power Planter augers, purchased separately.

For support, contact our training and resources team by submitting a ticket in the portal, emailing or calling +1 858-880-7704.

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